Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Italian coffee using an Italian caffettiera (coffee press)

There are many sizes of Italian coffee presses, but it is very similar to the French coffee press. Use in the same manner.  The one above is for several cups of coffee. The tiny one below, about the size of one espresso cup, beside it, is for 1-2 espresso cups of coffee.

Here are a few sizes, beside a few espresso cups. To use, put the correct amount of medium ground espresso grounds into the top section, press gently but do not compact the grounds. Add water to the bottom section, and boil on an open flame or hot burner til the grounds are steamed into coffee.

These are best imho used on a gas burner. When I have an electric stovetop, I still do the old-fashioned thing, boiling water separately on the stovetop in a pan or kettle. Or, use a waterboiler. Then I use a French press, of glass, which has been warmed with warm then hot water, to temper it a bit, put in the amount of medium espresso grounds, fill with boiling water, let steep.

Italian coffee, or espresso, is served hot, black. Or, with a frothy steamy cream or milk. Though I prefer mine either black, or with actual liquid (not whipped, not frothed, just liquid) cream, with a splash of whole milk.